Friday, September 03, 2010

YAY! Friday: Chalkboard

YAY! Friday!
rain = cloud + sun
It's pouring rain outside T___T
I like rain... but at times, rain can make day just feels a bit dragging.
Anyhoo, how's your week been bloggers? Anything interesting happen?

Anyway in another news, I'm thinking / considering of painting our kitchen door / back door with a chalkboard paint. I saw that there'a lot of chalkboard paint decor inspirations out there and I'm loving the practicality of it. We always forgetting to buy stuffs for the home +  since we always go out of the house via the kitchen/back door, I thought it'll be a good idea to have like a jumbo shopping list / message board that we always see every time before we go out of the house.

So here's some the chalkboard inspirations to help me decide to go ahead with the idea or not ;)

Love the door handle, how pretty!
How practical!
red and black is a match made from heaven
a quote wall art to motivate your day
Can't go wrong with Martha Stewart's wall calendar
DIY Frame Chalkboard for just $15!?
How about as a menu board near your kitchen?
How about a chalkboard fridge?
Chalkboard kitchen cabinet?! 
hmmm... what do you think? Should I or shouldn't I? Do you use any chalkboard around the home, blogger? If so, are you loving it? is it practical and useful? Did you post any chalkboard inspirations in your blog? If you do, share me the link, so I can be more inspired! ;)

Have a nice weekend everyone!

ps: I'm off to the Royal Adelaide Show tomorrow! Hopefully it won't rain as much like today *fingercross*


  1. What a cool idea! We're supposed to get a hurricane here tomorrow, so we may be in for some rain too!

  2. love all these chalkboard images... nothing like chalkboard paint to add some fun!
    x Trina

  3. chalkboard paint is the best! you'll love it!

  4. What a fantastic post! I love the chalk board ideas. Difficult to choose a favourite.
    TC, Anna

  5. Do it! Great idea and it looks amazing. (I'm an accountant too btw!!)

  6. chalkboard is totally inspirational....totally cool,got minimalis vibe yet functional..really need one at home..
    'coz i'm soo forgetful n the fridge is already full..:p
    i think chalkboard kitchen cabinet is a NO-NO!!looks messy!!


  7. I'd say go for it! We did this in our basement on a wall and get so many compliments on it!

  8. Do it! When I bought my first house I painted a floor to ceiling blackboard in my kitchen. Everyone loved adding their own artistic flair to the wall. I don't have the house anymore but I will definitely do it in the next one as I grew up in a family who always had a blackboard in some form or other and I can't live without it. You could do a version of this...

  9. Thanks everyone for all the lovely comments! Totally get me so excited to start on it!! The weather is still crappy aka cold n rainy,so I'll start painting when the weather a bit warmer so the paint dry faster!! Thanks for sharing awesome ideas & great links!! I'll totally keep you posted on the finish product!! ;) have a nice weekend everyone!!

  10. Lovely images nattie, thanks for sharing. Please please go ahead - I would love to see how it turns out. I would also like to incorporate a chalk board for messages at our place. The door is definitely a great idea. Hope you have a great weekend. Michelle

  11. What a great chalky round up! I would definitely go for it. x

  12. Hello Nattie

    Thank you soo much for your lovely comment about my Porch...It's a lovely sunny day today we may just go and snuggle under a blanket and sit a while...
    LOOVE your blog and how fantastic a post about have given me soo much inspiration. I have a larder cupboard in my kitchen and I am going to make one of the doors into a handy to note what you need when you run out of something. I am going with your 2nd photo, I have seen this before in a magazine...I also like the inside of the front door...great if you had small children DONT FORGET your...HOMEWORK, SPORTS KIT would be scribbled on the back of mine as well as...
    Nice to meet you in blogland

  13. Hi Nattie! I love all of these...I'm dying to use chalkboard paint myself but don't have a suitable space. I'd love to see what you do with it! xx

  14. Love this post. I wrote about chalkboard love earlier this year. I can't tell you how much I adore chalkboard paint. I have it painted in our office and kitchen in red and black.

    Do it! Do it!

    Rambles with Reese


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comments! All of your lovely comments brighten my days and very much loves always! *hugs*
x nattie