Friday, September 17, 2010

YAY! Friday: Pugly Pixels

YAY! Friday!
I'm cravings for chocolate chip ice cream!
Hello Bloggers! How's your week been? My apology for my tardiness of blog posting for this week ( been bogged down @work ), I'll try to post more of eye-candy's posts next week *fingercross* >___<

Anyhoo, I just stumbled upon an awesome blog that give so much awesome downloadable freebies! Of course, most of you must have heard of Katrina from Pugly Pixel! She is an awesome blogger and most of all awesome graphic designer who loves to give very useful + awesome freebies! ( I think I use too much 'awesome' in this blog post :p )

So hop on to her blog to check it out and of course download yourself some of these gorgeous cliparts for you blog. Thought I try it out and see what it looks like :)

Pretty cute uh? In that note, at the moment I'm loving 'Welcome Home' Collection of homewares: super cute! Check out their collection in here.

Have a good weekend everyone!
I'll see you guys back in blogland, bright and early in Monday Morning :)

PS: Sorry for the short post, gotta run and do some errands >___<
In the mean time, need some inspirations? do visit my tumblr account for sweet inspirations delights!


  1. yay friday indeed :)
    have a lovely weekend!

  2. I've never heard of that blog before, it does looks awesome though!


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comments! All of your lovely comments brighten my days and very much loves always! *hugs*
x nattie