Thursday, October 07, 2010

My House Party

Sometimes less is more ...
and simplicity is always a much better eye-candy compared to OTT ;p
How cute are these eco-friendly little wooden house ornament from My House Party?

and they also sells the cutest air plants dressed in a cute little wooden home

Images courtesy of My House Party


  1. How cute! The second one is my favourite... I could really see that hanging outside in my yard. I have quite a few birds who come to visit, I'm sure they'd love it!

    Linda. x :)

  2. Hi Nattie! I stopped by for a visit and got busy "shopping." Thanks for posting and sharing all the beautiful treasures you find! I love these little houses!
    And thank you for your visit to my illustration blog! :o)


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comments! All of your lovely comments brighten my days and very much loves always! *hugs*
x nattie