Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Eat Pray Create

Love Love Love - Crafted by hand stamps from Eat Pray Create!


HOW CUTE ARE THEY?!!? I have insatiable wants of collecting them all!!
Perhaps I'll start my collection next year as I'm generally broke after the holiday gift shopping :p Don't forget to check out their etsy store, as it has more delectable stamps!

found via freshly blended.

ps: you might seen this in my previous post, but I thought it totally deserve its own post ;)


  1. very very cool.....might have to buy some myself, how you been????

  2. Hi Lisa! Sorry been MIA for a while, just been really really busy with works. but hopefully its get better in coming week! I have lots of blogging to make up :)Thanks for still visiting my blog! xx

  3. These are beautiful!

    I'm a big fan of rubber stamps and hoping to finding some under the Christmas tree this year ;-)

  4. Nattie dear, Hope you are doing OK. I love the rubber stamps ideas they are so cute and useful for every occassion.
    TC, Anna


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comments! All of your lovely comments brighten my days and very much loves always! *hugs*
x nattie