Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Honey, I'm home!

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Happy 2011 everyone! Sorry for the late greetings, I was away after all ;)
How's everyone's 2011 been so far? Full with lots of new year's resolutions and goals?

My apology of the late post: long story cut short, I was stranded in Singapore due to airline stuffed up with no luggage whatsoever. Have to wait and gone through so many connecting flights to make it back home. Now I'm still recovering through ginormous jet-lag plus had to go back to work straightaway since I've been missing couple days of work already.

But all in all, I had an awesome holiday & can't wait to share bits and pieces with you all!
In a meantime, do take care and have fun! Catch up with you all in the blogland soon!

xx nattie


  1. Welcome back dear! Good to see you here again, hope you had a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. Welcome back, jet lag can take forever to get over, hang in there, love Posie

  3. Welcome home! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  4. THANKS EVERYONE!! I just need a little more time to recover before going back on full-on blogging again! Totally missing to do some blog surfing again! Take care all!


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comments! All of your lovely comments brighten my days and very much loves always! *hugs*
x nattie