Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The never ending cleaning ...

Excuse the mess, bloggers ...
Today mark the first day of Autumn for us here in Adelaide, which means that I have neglected all summer to clean up my study room and now piles of things to be organise is piling up quite high T___T 

So things to do for Nattie this week:
+ clear out all un-needed empty boxes
+ organise shoe boxes
+ get rid of 2 x ugly bookcases
+ clean and organise my table, which at the moment burried under piles of things
+ organise my study room, which at the moment looks like storage room

Have a nice day bloggers! :)

1 comment:

  1. Join the club, it's about to be Spring here and I keep stalling with clearing stuff out.


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comments! All of your lovely comments brighten my days and very much loves always! *hugs*
x nattie