Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday I'm In love: Kikki-k Diary

via hellonattie.instagr
I used to keep a diary; a personal diary (i.e a kind of diary when you wrote: dear diary, this and this happened to me today... bla bla bla...) throughout my teenage years. Then it stopped when I start college + uni + work. Though I still kept a daily planner diary when I was at work (i.e daily planner to remind me of when and where my meetings were, when things due, etc). That was 2 years ago.

Now when I think about it, I have no idea where all those old diaries gone. Perhaps it's still in parent's home and perhaps some reside in my sister's home. I lost track of where my belongings are/were due to me moving around a lot for the past 8 years or so.

Anyhoo, when I saw this uber cute Diary from Kikki-k,
I think I might start writing a diary again ;)

2012 Cute diary via kikki-k
and if a diary is not your style, then you can opt for this super cute daily planner as well.
2012 time planner cute via kikki-k
And to top all those cuteness, Kikki-k is having 25% off for their 10 years anniversary for 10 days starting 1 October 2011. More of the reason for me to invest in one of their cute diary.

Have a good weekend everyone!! xx


  1. yay for kikki-k i get the calenders every year big smooch lisa xx

  2. @lisa: I know!! everytime I go to kikki-k, I always ended up with something! the calendars are gorgeous!! xx


Thanks everyone for taking the time to comments! All of your lovely comments brighten my days and very much loves always! *hugs*
x nattie